Reasons People Look To Buy New Pallets

When you purchase brand-new pallets, you often acquire a batch of them from a single source. The quality of your pallets should be constant throughout. Every pallet should be identical in terms of the type of wood used, and the fasteners applied, the dimensions of the boards used in each and the construction method. Each New Custom Pallets purchased from a supplier is constructed using the same type of wood, with the same board and stringer thicknesses, fasteners, and fastener placement. Because you have a predictable surface on which to lay your products, palletizing your product is made considerably simpler by the uniform quality of new pallets. Below are the reasons people look to buy new pallets:

Virgin quality

New pallets are those that have never been used before. A brand-new wood pallet is 50% stronger than one that has made the industry standard of 5 transportation legs because the average pallet lifespan is 8–10 trips. Recycled pallets may still have cracks inside the stringers or beneath the surface of the boards, even if there are no apparent flaws or problems. These hidden flaws and general weaknesses might not be discovered until they are put under pressure from a heavy load of products. Use a fresh pallet to avoid this issue.


Is it necessary to confirm that a pallet has not been polluted or otherwise compromised to guarantee the security of a medical or food product? You can go new. The pallet manufacturer you engage with may demonstrate how the pallets are created, where the wood is cut, and what level of quality you can anticipate with each delivery. Recycled pallets cannot be monitored or traced by definition, which can cause problems for businesses who need to guarantee pallet shipments or ensure food safety standards for inspection. These issues can all be resolved with new wood pallets.


The availability of new Combo Pallets makes it preferable to repurposed pallets. If a business uses a lot of pallets, the recycled pallet market might need to offer a recycler more material to repair and recycle. Wood mills rarely, if ever, run out of wood to produce. Therefore new wood is more readily available.


Have you ever seen a pallet with a staple or corrugated metal piece, supposedly to keep it together, on the top or side of the pallet? This frequently occurs, and while such fixes don’t make a recycled pallet completely dangerous, new or unused wood of the same diameter is more dependable and durable. 

Final Thoughts

Compared to recycled pallets, new wood pallets provide many advantages. They can be created to almost any standard, are consistently constructed, have never been used, use easily accessible materials, are stronger than recycled equivalents, and are cleaner than a used pallet. In addition to this, the above listed are the reason people buy new pallets. 

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